Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 12-15

a (1) : an address (as a petition) to God in word or thought  
   (2) : a set order of words used in praying 
b : an earnest request or wish 
Day 15:  Pray for the International Justice Mission staff in Washington, DC as they work to bring the issues of
injustice to our national leaders.

Day 14:  Pray for women at Wellspring Living in Atlanta who are seeking Jesus and learning how to start a
new life after living through the darkness of sexual exploitation.

Day 13:  Pray for the children in Hagar International’s Cambodia Recovery Home who have been rescued
from sexual exploitation and have begun the long road of recovery. Ask Jesus to bring healing to
the children.

Day 12: Sex trafficking is an engine of the global AIDS epidemic. Pray for those women and children who
have contracted AIDS as a result of forced sexual exploitation. Pray for healing and comfort for
these victims and for the medical support they need.

IJM's National Woman Appreciation Day:

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