Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Day 13!

Happy Sunday: Happy Day 13!

It's day 13 of the 21 day fix. I will admit: this week I did not do a workout video over the weekend. However, today is Yoga I might throw in a "Dirty 30" with the yoga! I can definitely tell that I missed a couple of workouts! Gotta get back in the routine! However, I did attempt to make homemade spaghetti sauce and it's **maybe** a success. I looked for a lot of recipes online....and I took from other blogs.

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce:
2 - 28 ounce crushed tomatoes: nothing added
1- 6 ounce tomato paste: organic
3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp homemade Italian seasoning (not the seasoning in the bags at the store...)
dashes of onion powder (a small sweet onion works better)

garlic and onion in pan first. then add other ingredients. let cook on low for 1 hour.

21 day fix containers:
Whole Grain pasta=1 yellow
Tomato Sauce= 1 green (in my case it was 1/2 green)
Broccoli= 1/2 green


I also ordered Amazing Grass' plant based superfoods protein shake! :) I've been reading a lot about superfoods, so I thought I would give it a try. It has protein (quinoa, pumpkin seed, brown rice, & hemp), probiotics (supports digestion), and superfoods! Super healthy! :) I just haven't tried it yet....if anyone has any awesome recipes that make it a better drink, share!

Finally, my roommate and I have decided to start #5KSundays. Our goal is to walk a 5K every Sunday. Today was our first one. I will was quite the adventure. We live in a hilly community and lets just say I need to keep exercising! Haha.
However, we did burn some calories!

And then we had a snack....
Greek Yogurt with Granola! :)

21 Day Fix containers:

Plain Greek Yogurt- 1 red
Bare Naked Granola- 1 yellow
1 dab of raw honey

Now....I have to go prep all my food for tomorrow AND seriously get a start on my gifted endorsement! SUCH a Procrastinator!!!!

Have a great Monday....Prepare for success!

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