Friday, January 16, 2015

Back in Business

Hey all! I have been wanting to blog for soooo long. I want to blog about all the awesome things we are doing in 2nd grade. I really want to start sharing ideas, showing off cool projects, and even getting into like all of the other amazing bloggers that I follow. I've been reading blogs on things I am doing currently: Beachbody 21 Day Fix, Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I also want to start blogging about my journey with God in bible studies and my Celebrate Recovery experience.

Every time I think about all the things I just typed, I get so overwhelmed with what all I want to share. I think about it ALL the time and often show pictures on Instagram of all the above. But......with life so hectic, it is hard to find time to even blog (why? I don't think it would be easy!). As you can tell, I attempted to start a blog a couple years back and today I just remembered that I had it. SOOOOOOOO......with that said I'm going to "attempt" to get back in the habit. I would really like to get a blog going for school, getting healthy, AND a personal blog. Will that happen???? DOUBTFUL. Either way, it's fun to hope right!

So.....As of now, I'll just collect everything into one! (until I forget to blog and leave it empty for two more years :))

So- here's to a new year and to new adventures! Here's to adding yet another thing to my plate of many things. Here's to sharing all the happenings and exciting life events.

-Teaching 2nd grade
-Busting my butt with the 21 Day Fix challenge
-Hungry and tired :)

We'll see how it goes! YAY!

Love, Staci

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