Monday, February 27, 2012

72 days for freedom

Today marks an important day because it is day one of the 72 days of freedom. The hand that was raised at Passion 2012 that symbolized freedom for the enslaved will be raised tonight at Passion City Church, 515 Garson Drive, Atlanta, Georgia at 7:30. It will remain up as a symbol of freedom for 72 days while we, as one body of Christ, pray, give, and change the world for the better. We are joining together to end slavery and to set 27,000,000 men, women, and children free. Alone, we can't; Together, we can!
Here are some more links to get you plugged in to what is going on all over the world and ways that you can help end slavery!!/freedom/

Pray about it. Read about it. Take time to think about it. and then change it.
follow your heart.

Together we are a force for good!

for God. for people. for the city. for the world.

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